Reopening the Doors
Reopening the Doors
We are now confronted with the shared conversation of bringing the lights back on and reopening our doors.

This effort, however, should not compromise the safety of others. “As our Traditions remind us, the formation and operation of an A.A. group resides with the group conscience. Therefore, we ask that group members and others refrain from any behavior which might compromise another person’s safety.”

A detailed questionnaire and informative document “Group Reopening” has been added to the cover page of our are website ( You can access this document by CLICKING HERE. This document is designed to help our groups, our districts and our committee’s as they manage the autonomous and detailed conversation of defining the safest way forward. Many questions need to be asked and answers sought to ensure that our civil responsibility to each other is cared for above all else. We strongly suggest that ample time is provided to each group, district and/or committee to discuss these questions in an open, democratic manner. Possibly weekly steering committee meetings ought to be held until clarity and harmonious unanimity is achieved. Two additional documents have been added to support your efforts: “Safety Card for AA Groups” (CLICK HERE) & “How to Conduct a Sharing Session” (CLICK HERE). Finally, please do not hesitate to communicate your challenges, hurdles and successes with others. The wisdom to know the difference often times comes from the experience of the group or district right next door.

Jerry S.
Delegate, Panel 70
San Diego / Imperial Alcoholics Anonymous ~ Area 08